Avant Pharmacy & Wellness

Total Transform Program Pricing and Tiers

Platinum: $649 - 1099

The Platinum Tier contains a true total value of $1,447!

  • Exercise + diet coaching, 4 body scans (composite and 3D), initial consult, lab work (initial) + lab work interpretation, fitness equipment, a wearable fitness smartwatch, 2 weight loss supplements, and a 7-day detox kit.

Pay $1099, but you may earn up to $5/day cash-back if you meet your fitness goals, making this package as low as $649!

Gold: $999

The Gold Tier also contains a true total value of $1,447!

  • Exercise + diet coaching, 4 body scans (composite and 3D), initial consult, lab work (initial) + lab work interpretation, fitness equipment, a wearable fitness smartwatch, 2 weight loss supplements, and a 7-day detox kit.

With Tier B there is no opportunity to earn cash-back for meeting your fitness goals, making this a low-stakes option with all of the same benefits as Tier A.

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Brain Health & Memory Products